Prof. Bob Field has a cosmic evolution project that is sponsoring this event as a 50th anniversary celebration of the Apollo 10 mission, which was the dress rehearsal for the first lunar landing by Apollo 11. On this date 50 years ago, two astronauts in the lunar module descended from the command module to within 8.4 miles of the surface of the moon. The lecture will highlight the Apollo program, its role in explaining the origin of the Moon, the co-evolution of the Earth and the Moon, and the influence of the Moon on life on Earth.
You are invited to a free public lecture on Wednesday May 22 at Cal Poly at 7 pm in Baker room 180-101. Posters and videos and lunar brain games will be available for viewing before and after the talk. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Parking is not free. More information is at https://evolution.calpoly.edu/moon.
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