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November CCAS Newsletter

November 2, 2009 admin 0

Celestial Observer Newsletter: November 2009 You’ll find monthly sky highlights, new meeting location information, and more in our monthly newsletter. Click here to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click (Mac) the link to download the file to your computer. Adobe Reader is required: Download the free software.

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Undergrad Research Seminar with Dr. Genet

November 1, 2009 admin 0

College and high school students are conducting original scientific research through an innovative one-semester seminar offered by Cuesta College. Students present their research at major scientific conferences and their findings are published in scientific journals. Real science is about the unknown; these students, just like working scientists, do not know [Read More…]

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CalTech Symposium

October 31, 2009 admin 0

You’re invited to the Sagan/Michelson Fellows Symposium, Nov 12–13 (Thurs-Fri) at Caltech.  The symposium highlights cutting edge research being conducted by current Sagan postdoctoral fellows and past Michelson postdoctoral and graduate student fellows. In addition to keynote talks by Dr. Jeremy Kasdin and Dr. Chas Beichman, there will be presentations [Read More…]

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Hubble’s Top Ten

October 28, 2009 admin 0

This is a neat presentation of the March 2005 teleconference on the Hubble Top 10. It comes bundled with a power point presentation, MP3 audio, and PDF written transcripts. Be sure to download all three before you get started. Best enjoyed with a bowl of popcorn. You can play the [Read More…]

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What if the Earth Had a Backwards Orbiting Moon?

October 27, 2009 admin 0

Astronomy Beat #34 What If the Earth Had a Backwards-Orbiting Moon: The Art and Science of “What If?” Questions (PDF, 692 KB) by Neil F. Comins (University of Maine) Click on the link above to view the pdf, or right-click (PC)/control-click (Mac) the link to download the file to your [Read More…]

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Is There Life Out There?

October 21, 2009 admin 0

Dr. Laurance Doyle from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute and Dr. John Keller from Cal Poly discuss the possibility of life on other planets. You can click PLAY on the audio player below or download the MP3 file. Download the MP3 file here.