Very full meeting last night! Dr. Dave Mitchell spoke to about 85 people, including a bunch of youngsters who asked as many questions as the adults! It was so nice to see the interest from the community about astronomy. Dave had a hard time getting speaking about the moons since there were so many questions about Jupiter itself. We spent a lot of time on Io and Europa. Ganymede and Callisto were covered at the end, but since Dave wanted folks out to look through the telescopes, he cut it a little short.
Dave presented on the topic: “Jupiter and its Moons: What You Can and Can’t See Through Your Telescope”. We also had a couple of telescopes to look at Jupiter after the talk, including Dave Majors who brought his 12″ Dobsonian, Scott brought his large binoculars, Tom Frey set up the CPT, and more.
Lee Coombs talked about how to photograph the April lunar eclipse. Overall, a very successful meeting!
(We actually ran out of cookies this time. We’ll make sure to bring more next time.)
See you at the next one!
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